Monday, February 18, 2013

Minutes for meeting of February 4, 2013
The EPCP meeting opened at 6:00 p.m. at the Calhan United Methodist Church. The following people were in by attendance: Reva Lopez, Shorty Lopez, Cheryl Lopez, Anne Lopez, Robin Lopez, Carlyn Scarpino, Jodee Parks-Doyle, Tom Ramirez, Nancy Rowles, Jean Dunn, Lupie Riley, Joan Lawson, Calvin Jolly, Deb Drew, Sharon Agun, Carl Finney, and Nancy Lutz.
A motion to approve the minutes of 1-21-2013 was made Joan Lawson. Cheryl Lopez seconded the motion and it was approved with a unanimous vote.
A motion to adopt the proposed mission statement was made by Anne Lopez. Sharon Agun seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Anne Lopez made the motion to approve the contract with corrections for the Coop building. Lupie Riley seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.
The Memorandum of Understanding with Pikes Peak Community Action Agency is still under review by the agency and will be returned to Bob Selle hopefully in mid-February.
A motion to approve the 501c3 application fee was made by Joan Lawson. Carl Finney seconded the motion. The expenditures were approved to the Internal Revenue Service.
Sharon Agun moves to approve the Conflict of Interest Policy. Anne Lopez seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Joan Lawson provided a Treasurers Report from January 15, 2013 to February 4, 2013, also a list of donors to Reva Lopez for thank-you notes.
 Board members discussed Fundraiser possibilities such as a pig roast, pancake breakfast, and auctions, maybe some possibilities of combining fundraisers with the Calhan Lions Club. Sharon Agun provided the board with information from state programs that we could possibly be eligible for such as economic and rural development grants.
News: We were disappointed to hear we did not get the Musser Grant, but we can apply for others such as, Colorado Health Foundation. The due date for this one is in June.
Sharon Agun has set up a blog—Eastern Plains Community Pantry News—  This page will have minutes, news and articles of interest.  A FaceBook page and a web site are under development. 
Facility Operations: The board members discussed setting up a work day to clean and move furniture into the coop building before March 1st.
Reva Lopez moved to coordinate the distribution of food commodities through EPCP.  The motion was seconded by Cheryl Lopez.  The board members voted unanimously to take over commodity distribution. Anne Lopez, Cheryl Lopez, and Reva Lopez will be meeting with Dannette from Care and Share on Tuesday, February 12th, to discuss taking over commodities for the EPCP.
Future Agenda Items: Signage and Logo’s for the building, Newspaper articles on the websites, support of media contacts at care and share designated phone number and hours of operation, window installation date, and move in date.
Next Meeting Date: February 18, 2013

Vice President______________________________
Rory Lopez
Reva Lopez

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